AEMT Sandbox - Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades

Advertising Job Vacancies through the AEMT

As an AEMT member, you are privileged to be able to advertise your job vacancies through the association.

A large number of AEMT’s engineering companies rely upon the AEMT network to help them find talent and expertise.

For Free the Association will:

  • Publish your job vacancy on the careers section of our website
  • Send your vacancy out on our daily RSS feed to our member subscribers
  • We will also share your vacancy through our social networks.

So make the most of your membership, and remember to contact us if you have any job vacancies.

To Advertise:

Please send us your job application and make sure you have covered the following areas:

  1. Any application deadlines
  2. Your company name
  3. The job summary
  4. The job location
  5. The job salary
  6. A full description of the job, including application requirements and responsibilities of the job.
  7. An employee value proposition – Job benefits, company culture and what applicants can expect from their career in your company.
  8. How to apply – an application form, contact details


Get in touch at +44 (0)1904 674 899 or email