Matt Fletcher, Managing Director of electromechanical repair specialist
Fletcher Moorland, explains why it is vital that a motor repairer takes
accurate measurements before commencing a rewind.
Apparently, the electric
motor pictured here didn't
last very long in service
after it was rewound. It
wasn't one that we had rewound at
Fletcher Moorland, I may add.
Finding out why something has
failed has always interested me.
I also feel it's important to share
the findings to prevent them from
happening again. After all, this failure
happened unexpectedly whilst
the motor was in service, causing
unwelcome machine downtime.
It's quite often easy to say 'the
windings have blown'. Well, that's
pretty obvious as there is the
traditional blackend area on the
photo, blobs of copper and a hole
where the windings should be –
finding out why is the interesting bit.
Thankfully, the cause of failure of
this motor isn't often seen because
most professional rewinders take
critical measurements to ensure it
doesn't happen.
But it does happen. Let me explain
There are clues to what has
happened with this motor. The blow
is on one phase; you might be able
to see that the blown windings are
within an area sandwiched between
the yellow-coloured phase insulation.
The blow has left debris on the
inner face of the end shield. This
isn't uncommon; however, having
copper strands on the end shield is.
There are scuff marks on the phase
insulation and tape on the right-hand
section of the lower winding portion.
What has happened here is
that the winder hasn't correctly
measured the coil overhang. That's
the measurement of how far the
coils protrude from the core. As a
result, the coils have been touching
the inside of the end shield following the repair. This wouldn't cause a
direct short-circuit to the frame as
the copper is insulated by an enamel
covering. However, correct static
tests should have shown this. But
I can't comment on what testing
equipment the rewinder had available
at the time. The refurbished motor
may have passed a basic insulation
resistance test and then been sent
back to the customer in the belief
that it was ok.
Some of you might not be aware
that every time an electric motor
starts, or has changes in load, the coil
overhangs move slightly. In a very
old video from GE Electric, available
here, you can see the
We try to
mitigate this
movement with
the varnish and
lacing of the
windings, but
they do move.
So, from when
this motor was
installed, the
copper windings were moving against the cast iron
end-shield every time it was asked
to work. This movement wore
away the enamel coating to a point
where a short-circuit current flowed
to earth, and the motor stopped
The good rewinders out there
will take correct measurements, be
aware of the internal geometries of
the end shields and ensure correct
I must admit that it is quite
uncommon for us to see this error,
but it can happen. This is why
accurately measuring a wide range
of parameters when repairing a
motor is absolutely critical.