Mawdsleys BER, a specialist in the repair, rewind, refurbishment and supply of electric motors, generators and pumps, looks at potentially explosive atmospheres, the safety standards that govern them and the types of motor that can be used to eliminate the
risk of an explosion.
Explosion-proof motors,
referred to as Ex motors or
ATEX motors, are a special
type of motor designed to
be used in hazardous environments
where the risk of an explosion is
Whether it’s high humidity, extreme
temperatures or dust in the air, an
explosion-proof motor has safety
features in line with the ATEX directive
to keep the environment safe.
What Is a potentially explosive
atmosphere? Under the ATEX
(ATmosphere EXplosible) directive,
which covers equipment used in
potentially explosive atmospheres,
a potentially explosive atmosphere
exists when “a mixture of air gases,
vapours, mists, or dusts combine in
a way that can ignite under certain
operating conditions”.
With electric motors, the most
common causes of explosion are
the surface becoming so hot during
operation that it causes ignition or a
single arc from a motor malfunction
causing ignition.
For this reason, equipment such
as motors used in these atmospheres
must be specially designed so that
they will not cause the atmosphere
to ignite, with protections against
environmental hazards such as dust,
fire and moisture.
Examples of these potentially
dangerous environments include
fixed offshore platforms, mines, flour
mills, wastewater processing plants,
workshops that use spray paint and
food production lines.
There are two European Directives for
controlling explosive atmospheres,
which are known as ATEX. ATEX
is implemented in the UK through
DSEAR, the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
Regulations, 2002. The two
directives are:
Directive 99/92/EC – also
known as ATEX 137 or
the ATEX Workplace
Directive – imposes the
minimum requirements
for improving health and
safety for workers who
may be at risk from explosive
Directive 14/34/EU – also known
as ATEX 95 or the ATEX Equipment
Directive, concerns the standards of
equipment and protective systems
that will be used in potentially
explosive atmospheres.
An ATEX certification is required
to work safely on explosion-proof
motors. At Mawdsleys, all of our
specialist engineers are ATEX
certified and can work on all types of
Ex motor.
There are several types of explosionproof motor for use in different
environments. The most common
types of protection offered by Ex
motors are:
Dust ignition proof (Ex t): dust
entering a motor can cause damage
and potentially ignite. Dust ignition-proof motors have a high ingress
protection rating, meaning they can
prevent any dust from entering the
Flameproof (Ex d): a spark or
flame from a motor can result
in an explosion in hazardous
environments. Flameproof motors
have flame paths built into their shaft
and inner bearing covers, joints with
long spigots to prevent the flames
from escaping and they are encased
with a motor housing developed to withstand internal explosions.
Increased safety (Ex ec
& Ex eb): previously called
‘non-sparking’ motors,
these motors do not
spark during normal
operation or on start
up. There are also no
hot surfaces within the
motor during running or
The most suitable motor for
your operation will be dependent
on the hazards present within the
environment and the job the motor is
required to perform.
A fundamental property of Ex
motors that makes them suitable in
potentially explosive atmospheres
is that they can protect against
moisture and solid foreign objects.
If dust, water, or a larger foreign
object enters a motor, it can cause
damage, motor failure or even a
spark or flame that could result in an
The degree of protection offered
by Ex motors is shown by the IP
rating, which will be found on the
motor nameplate. The IP rating is
made of two digits showing how
well the motor is protected against
solid foreign objects and water,
respectively. The first number in an
IP rating runs from 0, no protection,
to 6, dust tight. The second number
runs from 0, no protection, to 9,
protection against high-pressure
and temperature water jets. In our
case, a rating of IP55 would therefore
represent a motor which is dust
protected and protected against
water jets.